The first thing we did this month was celebrate Hannah's 7th birthday. I know every mom says it, but I can't believe my baby is seven years old. I LOVE watching my girls grow. Hannah is such a sweet girl, she loves snuggling and being silly. At seven years old she is already such a strong personality which some days makes me so proud because I just know that she will do big things, and other days has us butting heads. I admire how she already knows that she can do anything if she just tries. (she just needs to remember to ask mom before she does sometimes:)) She has a beautiful smile and the most contagious giggle. I couldn't imagine my world with out my Hannah Bo.
For her birthday she decided that she wanted to go bowling. It had been a while since we'd all gone and it was so much fun! The only thing she did not enjoy is when she accidentally crossed the line and hit the slippery lane and landed right on her bottom.
Afterwards we headed over to my moms for presents, cake and ice cream.
She wanted to make the first cut
We also had a couple field trips this month. First I went to the zoo with Hannah and her class.
My group
They had the cutest shirts made up with all of their faces that each one drew of themselves
We also had family pictures done with the Hastings' side of the family. Here are a few pictures that we took with our own camera.
Hannah had a cough one night so the girls asked to sleep in on our floor. I love seeing their cute little faces sleeping by our bed.
Emma's field trip was to This is the Place park. It still cracks me up how she can be so quiet at school and such a silly girl at home.
This is her best friend in her class. It's so cute to see them together because her friend just talks and talks and Emma does not say a word. It's the perfect friendship, hehe.
We saw this weird looking hairy cow
A few months ago Dan found out that he was headed back to Washington DC for some more training and we decided that it was the perfect time for me to head out with him and check out the sights. This was my first time going to DC and I enjoyed hanging out with Daniel for a couple days. My awesome sister was nice enough to take the girls while we were away. Thanks again Nikki!!
Our first stop was Arlington Cemetery.
Although I'd seen pictures of all the rows of graves I still was amazed at seeing them in person. They go on and on.
While we were there some soldiers were putting a flag on every grave in the cemetery. It was so cool to see.
JFK's grave
When you get to the top of the hill it was quite an awesome view.
I saw this giant tree and told Dan that he should climb it (just to be silly of coarse) and sure enough we come around the tree and there is a small sign that says "Please do not climb the tree". How did they know I was thinking about it??
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
It's quite amazing to think that there is someone guarding this tomb 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. We got to see a changing of the guard, it was pretty cool.
We swung by Ford's Theater where Lincoln was shot.
Not sure exactly what this was, but Dan thought it was cool.
Saw this in one of the Smithsonian museums and it made me chuckle
Doctor Dan The Bandage Man
You can't visit DC with out seeing the White House
I kept calling Obama's name, but he didn't come out :(
Lincoln Memorial
View from the Lincoln Memorial (The Washington Memorial was under construction)
The Hope Diamond
Dan looking at a GIANT jewel
I told you it was giant!
In the Air and Space Museum
The capital
A piece of the Berlin Wall in the Newseum (this was my favorite museum even though it was the only one we ended up paying for)
Part of the top of one of the twin towers
We made it on the HP wall!
Because of the Memorial Day weekend a lot of Veteran bikers and their families were in town. I'm talking a TON of bikers, they had a "parade" of the bikers riding to the capital that lasted three hours.
Jefferson Memorial
Yep, that's him
FDR Memorial
MLK Memorial (one of my favorites, it was pretty cool)
Before we knew it we were back home getting back to real life. Emma has been singing songs from her Utah program for weeks now, and we finally got to watch her program and hear them sing all the songs.
Emma did her report on Juab county. She worked so hard and I could tell she was so proud of all the hard work she had done.
It was also time for Hannah's dance recital this month. She looked so cute and I was so proud of how well she knew all of the moves.
I was lucky enough to catch a picture of this rainbow outside my bedroom window one day.
Just yesterday the girls had their field day at school. I wish it would have been a bit warmer, but the kids didn't seem to mind so much and had a great time. I'm so lucky that I am able to spend time at the school with my girls, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Hannah's class doing the tug of war
They won the first grade tug of war
Emma's class won the 4th grade tug of war (I must be raising some strong girls :))
This is Hannah's best friend Baylee, they have so much fun together!
Emma and her friend Kaylee (the one she rarely talks to because she is so quiet, hehe)
Love my Hannah!
Love my Emma!