Thursday, November 1, 2012

October 2012

Well ladies and gentlemen, fall is finally upon us.  I'll admit, I am not looking forward to winter but I must say that I do love fall.  The weather has been so nice lately, and this is coming from someone who doesn't like to be cold at all.  This may be mostly why I am not a huge fan of the winter.  I keep telling Dan that we need to get a "winter home" somewhere warm so I can go there when it gets cold here, but he's not having it.  Oh well, I guess until I change his mind I'll stick it out.

There is this house by my parents house that always sets up a Halloween display on the roof of their house.  Every year we take the kids over to look at it.  It was a good night to get out and do it because the weather was nice.

This picture of me and Jeff makes me laugh because he looks terrified while I look like I'm having a great time.  I also noticed that our eyes are similar color.

Look at that cute bunch!

Part of the display.  It's pretty neat, things are moving all over the place.

The Routsons enjoying the view.

Here I am spreading laughter and joy to all the children.

Last month I told you that we had a little surprise planned for this month.  One morning we got up a little early and I told the girls we were running errands before school and Papa came to pick us up because our car was having trouble.  As we were driving I surprised them and told them their bags were packed in the trunk and we were indeed not running errands, but heading out to Florida to visit daddy instead!!  Oh, and we were going to visit Universal Studios while we were down there.  The girls were excited and nervous at the same time.  Emma is afraid of heights so she was a little worried about the plane ride (even though she's been on a plane before) and Hannah had a sick tummy at the airport because she was a little nervous leaving home (although she had done it before too).  Once we got on the plane all worries went a way and we had a great flight on our way to fun.

Off we go!  Don't mind the man in the background watching us take our picture.

The first morning Daddy still had to work, so we decided to head over to the beach and have a fun day playing in the water.

The white sand on the beach looked awesome, and the water was SO warm.

I'm glad my girls have each other, they are good friends.

I saw two guys fishing in the ocean like this and thought they could never catch anything, but I was wrong.  They were pulling a lot of fish out of the ocean.  

I didn't get a picture, but I also saw a few dolphins swimming around right at the shore, they were jumping though the waves just a few feet from where my girls were playing in the water, it was so cool!

The next day, we finally made it to Universal Studios!

The new Despicable Me ride was open.

There were a couple of rides that Hannah was not quite tall enough for yet, so we went around looking at things and taking pictures while Emma and daddy went on them.

What a cute family I have!

Drinking butterbeer in Hogsmede.  What could be better?

Butterbeer mustache.

My wet family after the log ride.  I, however, wore a poncho. :)

They stepped in the people dryer afterwards to dry off.

Hagrid's Hut

Ready for Jurassic Park.

Hannah loved Dr Seuss Land!

Superhero area

One night we had pizza in the car for dinner.  The girls kept laughing and laughing, it was so cute!

Our last day in Florida was spent at the beach again.  I'll admit, I don't mind laying on a beach mid October.

Once we arrived home from Florida the Halloween madness began, starting with Nikki's ward trunk or treat.
My dad keeping an eye on me.

Look at this cute bunch!!!  I love all these little rugrats.

Nikki and I pulled out Burt and Ernie again this year.

I couldn't have asked for sweeter girls!

This month was a big one for Emma, she had her first round of braces removed.  She was so excited to be able to eat popcorn again.  Here is the after and before.

A few weeks ago I ran my first 5k with Chris R and Meg.  Meg had been asking around for someone to do it with her and so I thought, I guess I can try.  We had such a good time and I've even continued running.  Meg says she wants to try a half marathon next year, but I don't think I would want to do that.  However, Chris R said we need to take the Polar Bear Plunge in January, and I just might be up for that.
The three amigo's before the race.

Ready to go!

Chris was the first to arrive back.

Then Meg.

Then me, my final time was 38:22, not to bad for my first 5k ever.

I'll drink to that!

After the race, proof that we lived through it.

Chris R took third place in his age.  Meg was 4th place in her age.  I was 9th in mine.  Go us!  
Oh, and Chris R's birthday happens to fall on the same day as Emma's (which I think is so rude, why would you have your birthday the same day as one of my kids, are you trying to spoil it?).  Last month his wife threw him an awesome surprise party for his 30th birthday that we all attended (and laughed until we cried) and I failed to take any pictures.  He was very upset that I didn't mention it in my last post, so now I am.  (Are you happy now Chris Routson?!?)  :)

My cute nephew Enoch is turning 8 this month and is going to get baptized.  He is such a cute and funny little guy.  We took him over to the temple and I took some picture of him for his mom.  Isn't he handsome!

He said he wanted to do his own pose and I said ok.  This is what he came up with.  Too funny!

Happy Birthday Enoch!

This month Hannah won the Principal Pride award at her school.  My girls always make me so proud.
Here she is receiving the award from her principal.

Go Hannah!

We celebrated Enoch's birthday at my parents last Sunday.  Jarom (on the left) also celebrated his birthday this month.  It's always madness around here, and we love it.

I think he likes the gift Nikki and I got him.

Why can't any of these kids smile when I say smile?  Exhibit A

Exhibit B

How can you say no to this sweet face?

Nikki wanted a piggy back from Chris.

Then Chris wanted one from Nikki.

Look at these two buddies.  How sweet.  Haha!

Yesterday was the big day, Halloween!  I was lucky enough to make it over to see both of my girls in their classes.
Emma and a couple classmates.

Hannah's Class

I know I've already told you, but we live in the best circle in the world!  Look at all these cute little faces we get to hang out with.  

The girls sorting out their candy after trick or treating.

Me and my girls!!

After Hannah took of her costume she had an awesome hairdo.  What a great Halloween!

Well folks, that's it for now.  We're well into the holiday season and loving every minute of it.  I know that we are so blessed in this family and I'm so grateful for all of you that we get to share our lives with!!!!  See you next month.


  1. It's always so much fun looking at your pictures and reading your comments sweetie. We are so lucky to have such a fun, happy bunch! Love, Dad

  2. Wow! I am totally going to blog-stalk you now! Love it and love all your pictures. You are a crack up by the way! And Hannah needs to get over here and play! I wish our street was more 'groupie' like yours. It was pretty dead over here. We went alone and have never done that before.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad to have another blog buddy, I will add you to my blog list too. Hannah keeps telling me that she wants to play with Baylee. She also loves when they share food with each other on the bus, too cute!

  3. And I added you to my blog list, let me know if you want me to take you off.
