Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter Party!

Last night was our big Harry Potter Party. We like to throw one every time a new movie comes out. We spent a lot of time getting Nikki's house ready and looking like the Great Hall. We chose our houses at the first Harry Potter Party years ago and when we have more kids we sort them too. We had so much fun getting everything ready and preparing a feast for everyone. We even had a game planned and a few crafts for the kids. It was a fun night, I can't wait to go and see the move on Friday with everyone. That is, if I can get a sitter. hehe, any takers??

Getting ready for the big party

House cups


Entrance to the great hall


The great hall

The feast

Party time

Kids tables





Assembling for the group photo

Here is the group picture. We didn't realize until today when we started looking through the pictures that two kids are missing from this picture, Hannah and Payton. I have no idea where they went and I think it's kind of funny and sad that we have so many of us that two can go missing and NO ONE notices. hehe We're going to try and do retakes on Saturday. Dan and my dad were both out of town too.

Pudding time

Samuel had a great time

Game time! Harry Potter Win Lose or Draw

They kids each got a mirror to draw what their heart's desires were

It was a great time!!


  1. What kind of parents forget their own children. You should be ashamed!
