Friday, February 4, 2011

Funny Hannah

Sometimes I don't know what to blog about when I feel like nothing overly exciting is going on.  Dan is currently in St George for the next few weeks so that means extra mommy and girls time, and we are also getting ready to have a fun party for the Super Bowl this coming weekend.  We are rooting for Green Bay (because, no one REALLY wants to root for the Steelers) so the party will be full of cheese and fun.  I'll get some pictures of that up afterwards.  Not much else is going on right now so I guess I'll just let you hear about a few of the funny things Hannah has said lately.

Me:  Hannah, we really need to clean moms car.

Hannah:  Why?

Me:  Because it's filthily and that is embarrassing to me.

Hannah:  It's ok mommy, everyone already knows your car is filthy.

and . . .

Hannah:  Mom I had the weirdest dream last night!

Me:  You did

Hannah:  Yes it was back back baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack in the 70's!

So there you have it!  My girls are always making me laugh over here.

Oh, and on a side note, I've been doing a bit of microblogging of the day to day stuff on Tumblr.  You can find my page HERE if you are bored.  HAHA!

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