Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Movie

On Saturday me and Meg went to see Twilight. I loved the books. I had read a lot of reviews before going in to the movie and some were good and some were bad. I have to say I really did like the movie. I heard complaints that there wasn't a lot of action in the movie but really if you read the books you know this is mostly a love story so that doesn't bother me at all. I also heard that some of the effects were cheesy but as you read the books it doesn't seem so silly because it seems part of the world, but I can see where bringing it to life is a little silly. I've never seen a person run especially fast or climb a tree so of course it's going to be weird. Anyway, the movie was great. I think the actors did a great job and am looking forward to the next one. I do, however, think that I won't ever get Dan to see this movie. He's not a big chick flick kind of guy.


  1. You've never seen anyone climb a tree?

  2. Very Funny Joel. Ok so I've never seen anyone climb a gigantic tree in seconds. Is that better? Good thing your not near me or I might kick ya.

  3. Thanks again for going with me, I don't think I could get Chris to go see this with me (at least not at the theatre, he might sit at home and laugh at it while he watches it)! But I thought I was cool too!!

  4. I saw this on opening night with a friend. I have never read the books, I just went because of all the hype. The theatre was filled with numerous prepubescent females. They screamed, sighed, and cooed whenever Edward came on the screen. I thought the movie was acceptable, but most certainly a chick flick.
