Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Should I Or Shouldn't I

About a month ago I noticed this black widow hanging out in my garage. It totally gives me the creeps but hasn't tried to harm me so I've so far left it alone. I keep trying to go out there and kill it but because it's too creepy or because I feel bad, I haven't yet. So now I'm asking you, should I kill the spider? I have posted a poll to the right.

Please please vote, a spiders life or death depends upon it.


  1. Here are the rules:
    1. Non-dangerous spiders in the house (i.e., everything but black widows and brown recluses) get put outside or ignored (except for spiders in the shower, which die). Earwigs and mosquitoes in the house die. Houseflies die if they can't be caught or shooed outside.
    2. All spiders and insects outside are left alone, even earwigs, except things that could hurt kids (after all, they don't know what to touch and not touch). Last year we had a black widow on the underside of Sam's kiddie pool (!), so it had to die.

  2. Are you crazy--I would have sprayed that thing to death as soon as I saw it---very creepy!! I agree with Joel though, very good rules to go by.
