Sunday, July 20, 2008

Left On A Bumper

As we headed off to our family reunion we stopped at my moms house to pick up a few last things and then hit the road. When we arrived in Price we decided to stop and get some lunch. As we were coming out of Wendy's my husband noticed my keys on the back bumper of the car asked my why I put my keys there. I didn't remember putting them there? Once I thought about it I did put them on the bumper when I was packing the last few things in at my moms house. They had made the 100 mile trip from Taylorsville to Price on the bumper of the car. We were amazed they didn't end up on the highway somewhere. I would have never known where they went. Anyway, it made me think about the original National Lampoons Vacation movie when he tied the dog to the bumper. At least my keys didn't have to try and keep up.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog on the reunion website. You have cute kids and it sounds like you have a lot of fun with them and your family! It's great to have good relationships with your family. A friend of mine left her cell phone and house phone on the bumper of her car about a month ago. The house phone did not survive (a neighbor found it in pieces on the road), but somehow the cell phone survived its 30 mile journey. Glad that you didn't lose your keys! You can check us out at if you would like. Have a good one- hopefully we'll see you at the reunion.
