Friday, August 22, 2008

Complaint Of The Day

So I need to complain about something today. Yesterday I drove all the way to Target (which was quite a trip, not across the street anymore) to buy me two new pillows because the ones at the hotel suck. I'm sure there very nice expensive pillows but they are way to hard for me. Anyway, so I made the trek to get my $2 pillows at Target so that I could have a better night sleep along with two new pillowcases. This afternoon after returning home from the aquarium I find that they have taken my new pillowcases (that they couldn't have mistaken for theirs, they zipped shut) and replaced my pillows with new hotel pillowcases. Basically they stole my pillowcases. It was obvious that they weren't theirs so why would they take them. I'm still upset over the matter. Oh well, what's a girl to do.


  1. I would so be complaining to someone in the hotel management. Seriously. They aren't that stupid. Someone had better be buying you some new pillow cases!

  2. You should definitely complain about that. It starts with something small, like pillows, and pretty soon they're stealing your purse because "it looked like the hotel purses."
